Thursday, May 30, 2002

Grooving Through the Lime Light. First edition
A collection of selected poems
© 2002 by Danielle Arsenault

coloured crayon rhetoric
whirlpools of bliss
dreams contagious
lucky laici
quick fix
seagull revenge
grooving through the lime light
the family reunion
dirty dumps of America
cough syrup
road trip lives
attention to detail
playing cards frozen
the breast tradesman
three little candy canes
In the 60’s secrets are saved
treasure chest

Quick fix
The touch game was a bee sting
A fermented spirit fleeting
And the first aid dummies tasted like raspberry candies
From the lady down the lane
Disturbed unhallowed hidden folk
Broke the gallow-glass
In search of a disturbing inspiration
What they found was intellectual refrigeration

Seagull Revenge
The cock-eyed seagull hovered spitting distance above us
Thinking we were a big piece of cheddar
(For we hid under an orange sheet)
A strident rhythmic caw-caw sound equaling the licking of lips
Kept us in our place feeding our imagination hallucination
We dreamt of castles in Spain
Where a plague was well planned
And the birds dropped dead in silence
Delivering the devils disease full steam
The sickened sea gull finally got the popularity he deserved

The Family Reunion
First they blew up their parents garage
Salivating siblings against the grain
How hard one hit his head
Sees only concave umbrellas and rotting bones
Sweat and slow motion create a soaking slime
As crustaceans engulf his feet
He bleeds a miracle of cowboys and barbed wire
The family reunion
Lusting over his luscious cousin
Eating fingernails frantically
His mind meandering nervously to the pigs freshly born
So where the hell is this peeling unit devised for spanking?
Wake up kid, lucid dreams kid
Only an experiment
Where the fuck’s your sister?