Thursday, February 23, 2006

Now in Guadalajara, Mexico, Danielle continus to scribble endless concoctions of the mind. Her little note book is getting fat, fat, fat.She has had 2 poems published in the second issue of NoD magazine and recently read at the launch party on February 17th. How? Why on the international airwaves of phone. An interesting experince to say the least. She, alone in her bedroom speaking into a grey object while hundreds of poised listeners awaited her ramblings on the other end of the line.Here are the details of that event:

NoD Magazine is launching its second issue:
Friday, February 17th at 7:30 pm
at The Lazy Loaf and Kettle #8 Parkdale Crescent NW Calgary)

Andre' Rodrigues
Felicia Pacentrilli
Jason Christie
S-J Krahn
the music of Some Dirty Hobos
and...a live performance from Mexico by Danielle Arsenault.